Transformed Mind

Susanne Says – How to Have a Transformed Mind – Part 4

Susanne Says – How to Have a Transformed Mind – Part 4

by Susanne Ciancio, LPC

 In John Ortberg's book, The Life You Always Wanted, he discusses the difference between training for change and trying to change.  This concept has been very helpful to me in my personal life, so I've outlined some steps below to illustrate what training might look like.

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Susanne Says - What it Means to Have a Transformed Mind - Change Part 3

Susanne Says - What it Means to Have a Transformed Mind - Change Part 3

by Susanne Ciancio, LPC

I've been doing a series about personal change and how difficult it can be. This month, I'm going to focus on God's plan to transform us. First we'll look into the Word and then talk about some practical applications. What is God's plan to transform us?

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Susanne Says - Why Offense Hinders the Changes We Want to Make - Change Part 2

Susanne Says - Why Offense Hinders the Changes We Want to Make - Change Part 2

By Susanne Ciancio, LPC

Is it really possible to make long-lasting changes? One of the big reasons we don't see changes in our lives is due to an offended heart!  We can be offended at God for permitting something to happen or for not making something else happen. We are seriously offended at times by what people say and do or neglect to say and do. 

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Susanne Says - Is Change Really Possible? Part 1

Susanne Says - Is Change Really Possible? Part 1

by Susanne Ciancio, LPC

Why do we struggle so much with the change process?  Do we really know God's plan for change? I do know that godly women are frustrated with things we want to change about ourselves and our lives.  We all share in this all too human struggle!  

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