
Susanne Says - Is Change Really Possible? Part 1

Susanne Says - Is Change Really Possible? Part 1

by Susanne Ciancio, LPC

Why do we struggle so much with the change process?  Do we really know God's plan for change? I do know that godly women are frustrated with things we want to change about ourselves and our lives.  We all share in this all too human struggle!  

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Growing Into Our Lives Through Seasons of Change

Growing Into Our Lives Through Seasons of Change

by Kimberly Coyle

When we think of change, our minds often turn to the big and the noteworthy. We think of the day we got married or the day we became a mother. We look back on the year we moved out of our parent’s house, or our first day on the job, or the night we accepted Jesus as our Savior. We often forget that our everyday lives are cyclical, peppered with changes small and the opposite of noteworthy

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