by Susanne Ciancio, LPC
Stress is defined as "a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances." However, anxiety is a reaction to that stress. Anxiety includes worry about what "may" happen. Mark Twain is quoted as saying, "I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened." It's commonly believed that 90% of things we're anxious or worried about never come to pass!
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By Susanne Ciancio, LPC
The most joyous season of the year is upon us and, although it's cold and dark outside, there is a promise of warmth from glowing fireplaces, twinkling lights, amazing aromas, and some of the best food offered in the entire calendar year! Yet we know this season among all seasons can be the most stressful of all. Why is that?
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exhaustion hits us all- usually when we least expect it or want it… you know the bone weary feeling- you don’t want to move eat, shower or talk…. but you pick yourself up because life calls you.
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by Angele Tanyeri
After visiting my dermatologist and being tested for allergies, I discovered that I am allergic to a highly common, toxic chemical found in almost all of our everyday products – from dish soap to cosmetics. Despite my best efforts to be healthy, I was contaminating my body on a daily basis. Then add the daily intake of certain dietary components…it was no wonder my immune system was out of whack.
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by Martha Wentz
As a small child, my daughter Kimberly had bronchial asthma. As a result, we were constantly in the doctor’s office. And every other month, we’d have to make a trip to the emergency room. Late one night, she began to experience a severe asthmatic attack. My husband Michael was exhausted and needed to be up early for work so I drove her to the hospital, twenty miles away from our house. [Continue Reading...]
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