Why Story Matters to Me — Slices of Life

Why Story Matters to Me

It’s been almost a year since I shared one of my most transparent life stories on the Circles of Faith website.  It was about my divorce and how God’s love was greater than that painful experience.  Being a private person, I wasn’t one to share intimate details about my life with just anyone.  Sharing a snippet of my story required me to be vulnerable, which was something I struggled with because of the betrayal I’ve experienced in the past. After fighting with God about writing the post, I finally gave in and wrote it one late night last March. The response I received after the post was published from both women and men was overwhelming yet encouraging.

I became more comfortable sharing my story with others after the blog post. I was no longer ashamed or afraid to be transparent about my experience.

God began connecting me to women who were able to relate to what I experienced.  My story has encouraged women who have been through a divorce or are going through a divorce or a painful breakup. It’s been a blessing to know how these women have been impacted by how God moved in my life. I also found encouragement through the stories women shared with me. Hearing the stories of different women over this past year has been uplifting. It also gives me hope about what is in store for the future. God has restored what was lost in their lives and I know He will continue do the same for me.

I didn’t know this at first, but God had a purpose for that blog post.

Writing the post taught me to never underestimate the power of your story. We all have a story that has the power to impact the life of another.

Whatever your story may be, have the courage to share it with someone today. <<Click to Tweet

I am blessed to today to have both men and women in my life who aren’t afraid to share their life experiences with me.  Hearing their stories allows me to make wiser life decisions, strengthens my faith, and form lasting friendships.

On Saturday, March 5, 2016, Circles of Faith will be hosting its Your Story, Your Influence Retreat. Women from the tri-state area will gather together for a time of worship, fellowship, to engage in interactive workshops, and hear inspirational stories. I have the honor of being one of the featured speakers and will be speaking on The Courage to Share Your Story.  I invite you and your girlfriends to join me and the Circles of Faith team for a day you will never forget. For more information visit: http://bit.ly/COFRetreat

Wodline is a mompreneur, wedding planner and savvy startup specialist who loves the Lord. She is passionate about empowering people to follow their dreams.  She loves writing in her journal and hopes that in sharing her testimony young women will be inspired, uplifted and encouraged by her story.   


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