
How God Provides When We Hold Things Loosely

How God Provides When We Hold Things Loosely

By Micalagh Moritz

After a year and a half of living in Belize, Central America, my husband and I have returned to the United States…a bit sooner than expected, and a bit surprised to be coming home pregnant!  God has not disappointed us. Over and over again in these past two months, we have been provided for by family, friends, and even strangers. 

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Whether We Worry or Not, God Provides

Whether We Worry or Not, God Provides

by Wodline Hippolyte

It was the time of year when all high school seniors were applying to colleges. I was both excited and nervous because I didn’t know if I would be accepted into the schools I applied to. And if I did get in, how were my parents going to pay for my tuition? I was considered an international student, so my parents had to pay out-of-pocket. 

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