
How We Prepare For Easter With Faith, Food, And Fun

How We Prepare For Easter With Faith, Food, And Fun

by Kimberly Amici

When most people think about Easter, they think of fancy dresses, bunnies, and chocolate eggs. As Christians, we know it’s a celebration of so much more - the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, one of the cornerstones of our faith. Holy Week is a time to prepare our hearts to rejoice in this epic story of triumph. Here are just a handful of ways we prepare for Easter in our family.

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In Your Words - April 2014

In Your Words - April 2014

Our vision is to inspire, empower, educate one another through ongoing community exchange. One of the ways we would like to do this in 2014 is through our Friday Community column, in a monthly series called In Your Words. We reached out to our guest writers to ask them a question.

Read what they have to say and share your answer in the comments below.

This month: What is your favorite family Easter tradition? [Continue Reading...]

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