Ministry Highlights

Why Sharing Your Story Matters

Why Sharing Your Story Matters

by Kimberly Amici

You don’t have to be a writer to share your story nor do you need a large platform. There are everyday opportunities to influence others with what you have experienced. Whether it’s a brief encounter with a stranger while waiting in line, or a friend who finally opens up over coffee, your story can encourage, heal, restore, refresh and demonstrate the fullness of God.

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Love on the Hill

Love on the Hill

God calling...

Though I was born in New York, my parents are from Peru.  I visited when I was young, but it had been 15 years since my last visit. I had no plans of returning anytime soon.

I didn’t anticipate that God would put a love and concern for others, especially abused children, in my husband’s and my heart.  [Continue Reading...]

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