For this world is not our permanent home;
we are looking forward to a home yet to come.
Heb. 13:14
A few years ago, my friends traveled the world. Along their journey, they had some great experiences, and some not so great. But at each stop along the way, they purchased various souvenirs – clothing, jewelry, household items. One purchase was a beautiful but large Italian mirror. They couldn’t carry it with them and so had it shipped home. That decision led to other purchases from further destinations being sent home. When they finally arrived home, they had a house full of treasures awaiting them.
Eventually, those treasures lost their newness. The mirror chipped, the souvenirs collected dust. Fortunately for my friends, those tangible items weren’t their true treasures. Still, they relished the memories made, the relationships forged, the lessons learned.
Jesus said,
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matt. 6:19-21
Indeed, if we value the things of this world over the things of God, we will eventually be sorely disappointed. <<Click to Tweet
Scripture is full of stories of such people – the rich young ruler, Ananias, and Sapphira, the rich man with his bigger and better barns.
When our treasures are those of heaven, the satisfaction is eternal. When our joy comes from the things of God, that joy can never be taken away, nor will ever erode away. Storing up treasures in heaven means investing now in things that God cares about eternally.
What are these treasures that we can store in heaven?
Time: We can’t make time, we can only spend it. How we spend our finite amount of time says a lot about what we care about. Do we invest our hours in other people - serving, encouraging, communicating? Do we volunteer in our church or small group? Any investment of time that helps other people is kingdom work, reaping rewards in heaven.
Talent: Are you like the wicked lazy servant who buried his talent out of fear? Or are you like the other servants who invested their talents and multiplied them for the Master. The gifts that God has given us are not for ourselves. They are for the “common good” (1 Cor. 12:7). Let’s use the talents He gave us so that others will be blessed, and thus we will hear Well done, good and faithful servant (Matt. 25:14-30).
Tender (money): Pastor Rick Warren shared 5 ways that storing up monetary treasures in heaven will yield eternal dividends. He calls them:
God’s Growth Fund – money you invest to develop your skills and maturity
God’s Mutual Fund – money you use to encourage fellowship and build relationships
God’s Service Fund – money invested to serve others in need
God’s Global Fund – money you spend to share the Good News and bring people to Jesus
God’s Treasury Fund – money given to God as an act of worship
If we journey through this life’s experiences storing up treasures in heaven, we will have a trove of riches awaiting us that will last forever.
Rick Warren’s Online Devotionals:
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Susan is a Jewish Jersey girl who loves Jesus, her family, the ocean, and mangos. Her passion is to bring an eternal perspective to earthly matters seeing God in the mundane as well as the crisis. Susan shares this perspective through writing, speaking, teaching, and coffee dates. A recent empty-nester who works with her chiropractor husband, she thoroughly enjoys when her children return home, with or without all their friends. Susan is a speaker, women and children’s Bible teacher, and writer.