Books Worth Reading from Two of our Friends

Peace in the Process: How Adoption Built My Family & Faith

Book by Kristin Hill Taylor, review by Elise Daly Parker

Circles of Faith Regular Contributor Kristin Hill Taylor’s book, Peace in the Process: How Adoption Built My Family & Faith, gives an inside, up close, and very personal view of her life journey through her adoption process and the many God lessons she learned along the way. 

Each chapter launches with a powerful scripture, which Kristin fleshes out through her story and the story of her growing family. Her tale unfolds in a refreshingly honest account of her very relatable struggles as she attempts to control life, deal with disappointments, and the conflict of loving our kids fully, while being exhausted and worn out in the process. Through her journey Kristin discovers a very real God who loves us completely, knows our sorrows and our joys, cares about the details of our lives, and “gives sorrow for joy.”

Kristin’s telling of divine orchestration of the events that led to adopting her children cannot be written off as coincidence, Through Peace in the Process, we witness how God provides in sometimes truly miraculous ways that point straight to Him and His great love for us. This very real and candid account includes recollections from the two birth mothers who gave Kristin and Greg their two children; the two children who were the answers to their prayers.

Peace in the Process is transparent and inspiring. A story of finding peace in the process of letting go, which opened Kristin’s eyes to new options and ultimately, the children she and her husband were meant to love and raise. As we join Kristin on her journey, we too are reminded that God truly knows what’s best, His timing is perfect, and if we allow it, His peace will overcome the desire to control our circumstances. 

Loop: What Women Need to Know 

Book by Jennifer J. Camp, Review by Kimberly Amici

Loop: What Women Need to Know by Jennifer J. Camp is a “collection of whispers” from God to His daughters. It is a series of quiet and simple devotions that encourage the art of listening.

Often time we are too busy to hear what God has to say to us. We go through the motions of attending church, reading books and scripture, but lack a deeper connection that our soul thirsts for. We strive to do more, to be more, to carry more and as a result miss the voice of our Heavenly Father saying, “I love you.”

It’s this realization that lead Jennifer to change the way she prayed, to speak less and listen more.

“Eyes closed, pen in hand, I’d write down what I heard him whisper to my heart. Simply, I expected God to show up.”

Based on Scripture, each entry is written from the Father’s point of view and speaks of our worth, value, and His love for us. They are short, yet rooted deep in truth. I find myself reading the words slowly, allowing them to seep into my very being so they nourish my soul. As I receive these words, my desire to linger in the presence of God grows.

Loop is about desiring to listen to God’s voice and hear what He has to say about us, His precious daughters.





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