First Friday Book Faves - November 2014


That's the question we will be asking COF contributors and you, our readers, each month. Is there a book that you just can't seem to put down, that's teaching you a profound spiritual lesson, or making you laugh amid your struggles? We want to hear about it!


  • Tell us in the comments what you are reading.
  • Take a picture of what you are reading and post it to your Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter using the hashtag #FFBF
  • LinkUp a book review blog post about a favorite book you've read.

BTW, you don't have to wait for the first Friday of every month to see what our contributors are reading, you can follow them on Goodreads!

Kimberly Coyle   

50 Women Every Christian Should Know: Heroines of the Christian Faith by Michelle DeRusha  

Author Michelle DeRusha brings each of these 50 women alive on the pages of her book. I found in reading these women's stories of faith, that I was equal parts encouraged and challenged by them. These are no dry, biographical tales, they are difficult, surprising, and deeply humbling stories about the women who have gone before us. A worthy contribution to every Christian woman's library.

Follow Kimberly on Goodreads


The Blessing by Gary Smalley and John Trent         

This book is literally as old as I am, but the concept is timeless.  Smalley and Trent talk about how each of us longs for the blessing - the unconditional love and acceptance - from our parents, referencing how fathers blessed their children in Scripture.  Through the accounts of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the authors teach us how we can bless not only our children, but our spouses, family and friends, through meaningful touches, affirming words that attach high value to one another, pictures of a hopeful future, and a commitment to loving them intentionally.  I was struck by how I have been blessed by my parents, but also encouraged to bless my parents in return and my siblings, my new nephew, and my friends.  It was eye-opening!   

Follow Denise on Goodreads.

Susanne Ciancio                                  

Gods at War by Kyle Idleman         

I just started attending a bible study at Calvary Temple that's using this book and a DVD-facilitated course to examine the idols in our lives. The author says that idolatry isn't an issue--it's THE issue. What are we sacrificing for...what angers us and whose applause do we long for?  Where's the first place we go for comfort? 

In modern culture we don't bow down to our idols so we may think we're idol free. The author's main point is this:  There isn't an issue or problem or sin or discouragement or worry in our lives that isn't directly related to the false gods that have usurped God's rightful place in our hearts. Even good things like family and ministry can become idols if we value them over our devotion to The Lord Himself.

The book is highly readable but hard-hitting and eye-opening. We live in a culture where idolatry is subtle and deception is rampant. You don't need a bible study group to enjoy this book, but it has been made highly adaptable for that format. 

Elise Daly Parker

Lord, Change Me by Evelyn Christenson

An oldie but a goodie…this is a book I have revisited many times. I’ve even had the great honor of meeting Evelyn through Moms In Prayer International. She has now passed. This book has been a life-changer for me with its emphasis on praying for God’s will, not for what I want…and with its focus on changing me, instead of me praying that God would change you (my mother, husband, children, fill in the blank). The book is broken into three Sections: Why Me?, How Do I Change?, and Make Sure It Is The Lord Doing The Changing. Evelyn takes us on her journey of discovery and gives practical approaches to how we can truly be changed to the benefit of ourselves and others. As Evelyn says, “…God showed me, ‘Lord, change me’ praying as the secret of relationships with other people and how my changing first in that relationship would be used by God to influence how He wants them to change.” The book just may revolutionize your prayer life, but be warned, this will take faith and trust!!                                                                                                                  

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. 

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