How to Get Your Groove Back

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I’m not sure exactly what happened…But I’ve gotten completely off track. 

I was chugging along: 

  • God/check
  • Relationships (marriage, kids, friends)/check
  • Fellowship/check
  • Exercise/check
  • Healthy Eating/check
  • Work/Life Balance/check

And then, I started to get overwhelmed. I was doing too much, going too many places, living life to the too full. I started turning to the right, when I should go left, turning left, when I should go right. I said yes, yes, yes. When I should’ve checked in with God. Instead, I checked out, put my head down, and forged ahead on automatic pilot. 

Somewhere inside, I said, “Aw the heck with it…too much going on. Just forget about it all and keep moving.”

Usually, I like living intentionally, but recently, I seem to have just stopped! 

The result:

  •  Distance from God
  •  Weight gain
  •  Sciatica and sluggishness
  •  Burnout
  •  Loneliness
  •  Lack of fulfillment
  •  Loss of vision

I hate to admit this, but this is how I’ve been feeling. And I don’t like it…not one little bit.


So what are we to do?

Well the first thing is to say NO…and the second is to STOP!

I cannot say yes to one more thing and I’ve got to stop long enough to think through the changes I need to make so I can get back to the stability and balance I need. 

Here are 6 Steps I’m taking to get back on track…Join me?

1. God First—No ifs, ands, or buts. I’ve just gotta have my God time in the morning…or I hit the floor running straight to my computer and there seems to be no turning back. A good God time for me consists of 15 minutes of devos (I love lots of them—Word for You Today, Jesus Calling, My Utmost for His Highest, Upper Room, In Touch, Streams in the Desert), followed by 15 minutes of just hanging with the Lord. Listening, praying, thinking, journaling. 

2. Move and Eat Well—Do something! I’m walking with my hubby (great for our marriage), walking with my girlfriends (fellowship and exercise!), biking at the gym, and going to a physical therapist and chiropractor. This takes crazy amounts of time, but right now, my body has to be a priority…it’s His temple after all and my grandbaby is coming soon, so I’ve got to get in shape. I admit I’m struggling with eating well, but moving more is a step in the right direction that often propels me into healthier eating habits and definitely boosts my metabolism.

3. Write—There are times when I believe my writing doesn’t matter. And it might not matter to others, but I have found it’s actually one of the primary ways I process. So it is important for me to write as a way of navigating, reflecting, and being intentional. 

4. Talk it Out—I’m at a huge crossroads in my life. My kids are now all out of the house. My husband is about to finish his doctorate. There are a lot of decisions to be made and a future to plan. So I’m back with my Christian counselor. She knows me, so I don’t have to start from scratch. And I’m ripe for good counsel.

5. One on One with My Best Friends—Friendship is a blessing from the Lord. And nobody loves a good girlfriends’ gathering more than me. But the one-on-one conversations, the understanding and insight that comes from sharing my heart with a close friend, this is precious and valuable. 

6. Plan—Like it our not, I have a lot to juggle. I need a calendar that’s accurate and a plan that incorporates meals, finances, work, ministry, and more. Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and the Franklin Covey planners that are in sync have been helpful for both me and my husband. And I love Michael Hyatt’s Creating Your Personal Life Plan, which is FREE when you sign up for his equally awesome blog on intentional leadership. 

I’ve already spent enough time condemning myself. And that’s done nothing but make me feel worse. So in the past few days, I’ve taken these steps and I’m repeating this mantra,

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” 

When I am weak, He is strong…and He’s always right there with me. 

How about you? Are you on track right now? What do you do when you feel derailed? How do you get back on track?

Train photo credit: MeckiMac via photopin cc

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Elise Daly Parker has been married for 28 years and is mom to four mostly grown girls. She is a writer, editor, writing coach, and blogger. She believes we all have stories that matter--big life bios and small meaningful moments. Elise believes our stories are a reflection of God’s glory and are meant to be shared. They have the power to inform, reform, and transform. She loves God, family, friends...and really likes travel!

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