Intentional Living

Episode 60 Why Boundaries Matter

Episode 60 Why Boundaries Matter

How many time have you felt overwhelmed because you have a too much on our plate? It could be because you’d said yes to too many things. Or you could be wasting your time, energy, or emotion on the wrong thing.

Knowing how and when to set boundaries can change all that. In today’s episode, we’ll talk about what boundaries are, why they’re important and the areas of your life they can tame when set in place.

Summer Slice - On Leslie Knope and Living Well

Summer Slice - On Leslie Knope and Living Well

Have you ever seen the show Parks and Recreation? It’s a TV comedy that ran from April of 2009 to February of 2015. It stars Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope, a perky, mid-level bureaucrat in the Parks Department of Pawnee, Indiana. She is one of the quirkiest characters on television. She lives life wholeheartedly and inspires us to embrace the every day with passion and purpose.

Episode 53 The Benefits of Margin in Your Day

Episode 53 The Benefits of Margin in Your Day

In today’s culture, when asked how we are doing, we often reply “busy”. It’s the excuse we use when we are late or to explain why we haven’t called, emailed, or stayed in touch. The thing is, we are legitimately busy. However, life there is one thing that is missing from our active schedule. And that’s margin. Today we are talking about why it is so important it is, what embracing it will change, and how we can incorporate it into our lives.  

Episode 40 Discovering Your Core Values

Episode 40 Discovering Your Core Values

Back in Episode 36, we talked about Non-negotiables and why there are important in your every day. Naming your non-negotiables is a great start to living an intentional life However in this week's episode we are going to take it a step further and talk about core values.

Many of life's decisions are determined by what we value most. Knowing your values and intentionally honoring them in your life will give you a sense of purpose. When you identify your values and intentionally make them a part of your life you will feel confident that your life is not a result of “going with the flow”.